partners for collaborative change

I’m a co-founding member and Program Director of Partners for Collaborative Change.

Formerly the Practicing Freedom Collective, Partners for Collaborative Change is an organization made up of educators, facilitators, artists and organizers who each bring decades of experience in collaborative, transformative work. Our theory and methodologies are rooted in Popular Education, Theatre of the Oppressed, Participatory Action Research and Healing Justice. PFCC works for organizational, interpersonal and personal transformation through pedagogical practices that support the development of critical consciousness.

OUR PURPOSE is to support system change towards a world where human dignity and the planet are respected and our interconnection is honored. We work to transform change-making itself, so that it is truly led by and for those directly affected by the issues our movements work to address. Recognizing that every organization and every challenge is unique, we strategically co-design each engagement to support our clients’ efforts in a range of ways:

  • Engage in community-led education, research, design and planning;

  • Develop and apply a framework for the interdependence of social justice and the environment;

  • Update organizational structures and practices to become more values aligned, and clarify roles and decision-making for improved transparency and accountability;

  • Establish a practice for transformative processes to address harm and conflict; and

  • Become more resilient and equitable with critical consciousness, deepened mutual trust, understanding and sense of belonging.

PFCC’s work is rooted in historic social justice movement work. Our methodologies are influenced by the theories and practices of Paulo Freire, bell hooks, Augusto Boal, Myles Horton, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Valerie Batts, Mimi Kim, Mia Mingus, among many others.

Our services include:

Tailored Process and Curriculum Design

We draw from our vast archive of resources to adapt and generate activities and sequences for professionals and non-professionals to facilitate collaborative processes themselves.


  • Curriculum, tailored webinar, coaching sessions

  • Curriculum, Training for Trainers, coaching sessions

  • Curriculum, advanced Training for Trainers, co-facilitation support, coaching sessions

Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusion

We partner with organizations to fully integrate Accountability, Equity and Racial Justice at every level of their organization through multiple strategies, tailored to your specific needs, including assessments, workshops and individual coaching.


  • Tailored 1-2 day group trainings

  • Equity coaching and support for staff members (can supplement broader equity and racial justice work)

  • Equity audits of each program and aspect of an organization to develop recommendations

  • Equity Strategic Planning

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Community-Led Research and Planning

For groups who want to authentically partner with those who have a stake in their project. Community-led Assessment, planning and design.


  • Community Engagement project design, facilitation and/or coaching

  • Town-hall Meeting ideation, planning and execution through Forum Theatre

  • Authentic Community Engagement Trainings for facilitators

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